Tempest is a licensed underground utility contractor in the following states:
- Utah
- Idaho
- Wyoming
- Colorado
- Arizona
- Nevada
- California
Public Works / Industrial
Nothing lasts forever. Retrofitting and upgrading public utilities are a constant priority for aging cities.
Tempest has worked with Salt Lake Public Utilities for over 50 years and fulfilled public works contracts with nearly every city in Utah.
Public Works / Industrial Projects
Client / Location | Quantity / Type |
SLC Public Utilities Salt Lake City, UT |
Numerous projects each year |
NRG Energy Sunnyside, UT |
27,000 lf 8″ HDPE Water |
Granite School District Salt Lake City, UT |
Sewer, water, drainage for complete sub-divisions |
Tooele City Tooele, UT |
100,000 lf Water |
Kennecott Magna, UT |
Misc. 20″ slurry line to tailing pond |
Bedford City Bedford, WY |
50,000 lf Water |
Kemmerer City Kemmerer, WY |
30,000 lf Sewer & water |
Eureka County Eureka, NV |
25,000 lf 12″ Water, Pump House |
Mineral County Hawthorne, NV |
58,000 lf 12″ Water |
Davy / McKee (Gold Mine) Battle Mountain, NV |
50,000 lf Water |