Application for Employment Qualified applicants receive equal consideration. No question is asked for the purpose of excluding any applicant due to race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, disability, or any other factor prohibted by law or regulation. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Please fully and accurately complete each question. Incomplete applications may not be considered. Referred by: PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION Name: Last First Middle Email: Date: Address: Street City State Zip Phone: WORK PREFERENCE Position desired: Salary or pay you expect: Date available for work: List job benefits, other than wages, you expect or want in order of importance: Most Important 2nd Most Important 3rd Most Important Describe your prior experience related to this work: List any licenses, certificates, or professional affiliations you may have: List any special skills you may have (computer, machine operation, etc.): List any hobbies, special interests or sports in which you are involved: Do you have a valid driver’s license? YesNo Driver’s license number: Class of license: State: Have you had your driver’s license suspended or revoked in the last three years? YesNo If yes, give details: AVAILABILITY FOR WORK Part time: YesNo Full time: YesNo Temporary or short term: YesNo Day: YesNo Afternoon: YesNo Graveyard: YesNo Rotating: YesNo Will you work daily overtime on occasion if necessary? YesNo Will you work extra days in the week if necessary? YesNo Are you now or do you expect to be engage in any other business, employment or schooling? YesNo Do you have any commitments or agreements with another employer that might affect your employment? YesNo Do you have any on-going obligations or other personal commitments that would affect your work schedule? YesNo PRESENT EMPLOYMENT Are you presently employed? YesNo Do you have to give advance notice to your present employer? YesNo May we contact your present employer for a reference? YesNo PERSONAL If requested, would you be willing to take a drug/alcohol screening exam before and/or after employment as a condition of employment? YesNo Are you at least 18 years old? YesNo If hired, can you furnish proof that you are eligible to work in the U.S.? YesNo PRIOR EVENTS Have you ever worked for or applied for work at this company before? YesNo Have you ever been discharged for a cause? YesNo Have you ever been refused a surety bond or ever had one cancelled? YesNo Have you ever been convicted of any law violation, except a minor traffic violation? (A criminal record does not automatically bar employment) YesNo Have you ever been disciplined for absenteeism? YesNo Have you ever been disciplined for tardiness? YesNo Explanation to answers given above: EDUCATION AND TRAINING Highest grade completed: 123456789101112 College or other: 1234567 School Name and Location Dates Attended Received Diploma GPA Major Subjects / Special Courses From To High School or GED YesNo College or University YesNo Graduate School YesNo Other Education YesNo EMPLOYMENT RECORD Give a complete account of your employment. BEGIN WITH YOUR PRESENT OR MOST RECENT POSITION AND WORK BACK. Most recent employer Employer: Address: Phone: Main Duties: From: To: Starting pay: Leaving pay: Supervisor: What did you like about this job? What did you dislike about this job? Reason for leaving: Previous employer 2 Employer: Address: Phone: Main Duties: From: To: Starting pay: Leaving pay: Supervisor: What did you like about this job? What did you dislike about this job? Reason for leaving: Previous employer 3 Employer: Address: Phone: Main Duties: From: To: Starting pay: Leaving pay: Supervisor: What did you like about this job? What did you dislike about this job? Reason for leaving: APPLICANT AGREEMENT (Read carefully before signing.) All information provided by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand omissions or misrepresentations may result in rejection of my application or, if employed, may result in subsequent dismissal. I hereby authorize any former employer, person, school, firm or corporation listed hereon, including this company, to answer any and all questions related to employment and agree to release from liability and hold all persons harmless for giving any and all truthful information within their knowledge or records. I understand this is a preliminary application and not a contract to employ me. Furthermore, in the event I am employed, my employment shall be completely voluntary and may be terminated at will at any time by either myself or the company. I understand no one other than the company president has authority to enter into any employment agreement to the contrary. I agree a to take a job-related physical examination or drug/alcohol test when requested as a condition of employment. I agree to comply with all the rules of the company as a condition of employment. In the event the company advances me money or other things of value, I agree to repay the company and also that any amount still owing may be deducted from my final paycheck. Date: Type your full name to sign: